Install Docker on Ubuntu 18.04

Steps to get docker installed on Ubuntu 18.04. These steps are taken from the official documentation (see here for more details):

  1. Update the apt package index
  2. Install packages to allow apt to use a repository over HTTPS
  3. Add Docker’s official GPG key
  4. Set up the stable repository
  5. Update the apt package index (again)
  6. Install the latest version of Docker CE
  7. Test the installation
# Step 1: Update the apt package index
sudo apt-get update

# Step 2: Install packages to allow apt to use a repository over HTTPS
sudo apt-get install      apt-transport-https      ca-certificates      curl      gnupg2      software-properties-common

# Step 3: Add Docker’s official GPG key
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -

# Step 4: Set up the stable repository
sudo add-apt-repository    "deb [arch=amd64] \
   $(lsb_release -cs) \

# Step 5: Update the apt package index (again)
sudo apt-get update

# Step 6: Install the latest version of Docker CE
sudo apt-get install docker-ce

# Step 7: Test the installation
sudo docker run hello-world

For simplicity I have not set users and roles, so every time I want to run docker commands I need to start the command with ‘sudo’.

Example use:

# Start docker daemon
sudo service docker start

# Do something
sudo docker version

# Stop docker daemon
sudo service docker stop